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  • NABA数字设计马拉松

    原文: 50 students from 6 different academic fields, 6 prestigious international companies, involved through 20 corporate representatives, together with 5 mentors, chosen within the Academys Faculty: these are the numbers of the first Dig... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-28 14:57:11

  • NABA参加了Fuorisole.it

    原文: NABA takes part to Fuorisalone Digital as a Cultural Partner presenting a selection of the best Design projects developed by students within the Design Area curated by Claudio Larcher, Design Area Leader. Starting from the question... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-28 14:53:02

  • NABA宣布其本科课程2021年2月的额外入学时间

    原文: NABA proudly announces the additional extraordinary Intake available for its Undergraduate Programmes, to give international students the chance of joining the Academy and live the NABA experience allowing them to enter the second... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-28 14:49:53

  • NABA新美术学院22个国际生本科奖学金

    原文: In order to promote excellence in academic disciplines, NABA intends to support highly motivated and talented international students, by offering them 22 new scholarships up to 30% tuition fee coverage for Undergraduate Programmes... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-28 14:46:57

  • NABA参加了Corriere.it现场访谈系列

    原文: NABA takes part to Corriere.it live talk series, the digital edition of one of the most important Italian newspapers, Corriere della Sera , in a virtual interview about Education and Work, focusing on the changes and challenges th... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-28 14:26:43

  • 欢迎来到第一届NABA国际开发周!

    一个真正的国际开放周,内容在这一周的5天里全天开放,将呈现NABA不同的领域的文学士学位、文硕士学位和学术硕士。当周的每一天都将根据下面的日历安排呈现不同的领域,同时每... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-03 13:25:22

  • 重构视觉演绎|NABA学子诠释《米兰宣言》

    阔别米兰数月,或者困于家中久不能自由地 畅快地穿行米兰城中 对这座城市的印象是否模糊 亦或疫情后城市印象的确发生着变化 NABA童鞋应意大利晚邮报 旗下周刊《Sette》发起的挑战... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-06-01 09:08:32

  • NABA学生入围“REDRESS设计奖”决赛

    Beatrice Bocconi,时尚设计本科课程的学生,因为她的项目街上的感受,一个基于不浪费和回收再利用的系列,被评选为2020年重整设计奖的入围者之一,是最重要的可持续性时尚设计竞赛... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-05-29 17:48:21

  • NABA米兰宣言

    大约20名NABA学生接受了由Corriere della Sera发行的周刊《Sette》发起的考验,解读米兰宣言,这是一项旨在对城市及其在困难和复杂情况下的重生进行视觉解读,就像我们现在所经历的那样... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-05-29 17:46:51


    冠状病毒紧急封锁使NABA通过虚拟工具对教学活动和服务进行了快速和创新的整顿。创意技术本科专业迅速做出反应,与GitHub敲定了一项协议。 GitHub是一个基于web和云的服务,是世界上... 【查看详情】

    日期:2020-05-29 17:45:23

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